The content on this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing information on AMX Management Solutions referred to herein as AMX Detective Agency, its affiliates and related businesses, and the services they offer.
While AMX has used reasonable care and skill in compiling the site's content, it does not give any warranty (expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on the site or published by a link from the site by third parties.
By accessing this website, you agree that, to the degree permitted by law, AMX Detectives shall not be liable in any case for any damages whatsoever (including any specific, indirect or consequential damages) arising out of or in connection with (a) the information on the website or published by third parties referred to by a link to the website and (b) the performance of such damages.
AMX Detectives ' provision of services and goods is subject to standard AMX Detectives contract terms for such services and goods, copies of which may be supplied on request.
This website is protected by copyright, and all intellectual property of AMX Detectives (including trademarks, patents and design rights without limitation) and the brands included in the material belong to AMX Detectives. You may only store copies of the material available on these pages for your own private and non-commercial use on your personal computer and you may not adapt, change or re-use the text or graphics from the web without AMX Detectives ' prior written consent.
The following procedures, set out below, form the basis upon which AMX Detectives carries out its professional service for clients. In accordance with good business practice and within a set of generally agreed principals and code of conduct, it sets out as clearly as possible, in general terms, what standards of service may be expected by our clients. Similarly, it also sets out what AMX may expect from its clients in return.
Where the name AMX Detectives is used throughout this document the name is deemed to also refer to the trading names of AMX Detectives.
Because of the nature and speed of initiating an investigation, we are pleased to undertake inquiries from telephone instructions, but we would ask clients to provide us with as much detail as possible to confirm their identity, due to the due diligence we need to carry out, to ensure that we are acting in accordance with legal and moral guidelines. We can provide written contracts, but we rely on our telephone contract / verbal agreement in the absence of this. All dates and times are registered for all telephone calls.
We will never supply your personal data to any third party except where you specifically request us to do so or we are required to do so by law.
Your rights
There may be times when we process data in order to satisfy legal obligations, especially in the context of legal proceedings and/or compliance with law enforcement agencies ' requests. As a basis for processing personal data, we will not generally rely on consent. We will specifically obtain this in the course of collecting the data in the limited circumstances in which we can rely on consent. We can also use data to improve our service level. Wherever we do this, we do it to help inform us how we can improve the way we work, as we and the people we deal with are interested in doing so.
To order to prevent unauthorized access or release, we are committed to ensuring that your data is protected, we have in place sufficient physical, electronic and managerial processes to safeguard and protect all information.
We have a general obligation to preserve confidentiality of personal data and information. Where we share information, we take all appropriate steps to keep it secure, make fair use of it, and ensure protections for data protection are in place.
We also notify you if there is a data loss event resulting in discrimination, reputation damage, financial loss, confidentiality loss or any other significant economic or social disadvantage.